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Unlock and grow media revenue with one simple platform

Streamline and scale media bookings for your shopper marketing, retail media and partnerships.

Connect brands with your audience through smart activations


In home


Join a growing network of businesses unlocking and growing media revenue

Seamlessly manage your media with a dedicated end-to-end retail media and partnerships platform

Maximize your media sales

Grow and scale revenue with custom platform tools

Streamline your activations

Manage your activations with booking, inventory and campaign workflows

Simplify your payments

Full vendor payment management, payments and collections

Your media, your platform

Drive your media sales with a fully customized and branded media platform, integrated with your own website.

Partner with the world's leading brands and agencies

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    Easily onboard brands & agencies
    onto your media platform

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    Full control to approve/decline
    campaign requests

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    Propose tailored campaigns to
    brands to drive upsell

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    Opt in to promote your media on the
    Brandcrush marketplace